On Friday night, PC and I went to dinner and then saw Just Go With It. I loved the movie! Of course, I knew what was going to happen, but it was still great. I love Jennifer Aniston and any and all chick flicks and I hadn't seen one lately, so I really enjoyed myself.
On Saturday, PC and I went to the gym where I lost my keys. Or thought I did. I normally leave my things in the locker room but since I drove from my house in my workout clothes, I decided to just keep my keys with me and save myself 10 seconds from walking to the locker room. Bad idea. I left them in the cup holder on the treadmill. When I finished weights, I realized I didn't have them as I was walking to do some abs. Panic ensued. I walked over to the treadmill I thought I used. No keys. I walked around all the weight stations I'd been to - nothing. I ran downstairs to the front desk to see if someone had turned them in. Nada. I ran back upstairs to see if someone turned them in there. Nope. I decided to check the treadmills one more time and guess what? I found them in the treadmill beside the one I thought I used. Not funny. But it really was because PC, who was working out downstairs and who I didn't see when I walked downstairs, wondered what I was asking at the front desk and assumed I thought he'd left. Ok, maybe it's not as funny as it seemed on Saturday after I found my keys.
I also went to Barnes and Noble and picked up The Pioneer Woman's book, "Black Heels to Tractor Wheels." I decided to read along with the Book Beginning and Bookends blogging book club this month. You should join us!
It rained pretty much off and on all day yesterday making it perfect napping weather! After church, I fell asleep watching SNL from Saturday night (I can rarely make it through the whole thing on Saturday night!). After my nap, I did a kettle bell video workout (review of that coming soon!). I am sore today!
Last night, my preacher's sermon really spoke to me and as I've been digesting it, I want to share what I've been feeling, so come back tomorrow to read about that! For a hint, he preached on Revelation 3:14-21, the Laodiceans.
Oh, one more big thing that happened this weekend - Disney plans! PC and I are going to Disney World with his sister, brother-in-law, nephew, brother, and his girlfriend this Spring. We pretty much finalized plans this weekend and are booking the trip this week. I am so looking forward to a much needed vacation (this plays a role in the above) in the happiest place on earth!
What did you do this weekend?
Do you have any Disney travel tips? Are there any things you definitely recommend?
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