
Monday, February 14, 2011

On my heart.

I've been trying to write this post for almost two months now, and I've written it in my head over and over, but today, I'm finally sitting down at my computer to type it out.

First, I want to say God is good and His mercies are new every morning.
Second, I want to ask you for your prayers.

In December, after a routine MRI, we found out that there was a possibility that PC's tumor wanted to get out and play.  We also found out that his doctors recommended he have a biopsy to determine whether what they saw was tumor growth or radiation effects.  We, of course, were praying for radiation effects.

In January, he had another MRI less than a week before the biopsy.  This time, one of his doctors thought the improvement from the December MRI was so good that a biopsy might not be needed.  What a thing to rejoice about!  Even though we found out the next day that it would be best for him to have the biopsy to totally confirm whatever it was, we felt good. 

Almost three weeks ago the biopsy was performed.  He did great during the surgery and recovery.  As we were driving to lunch after church yesterday, we were talking and something came up about the surgery.  It's hard to believe that less than three weeks ago he had samples taken from his brain.  If you didn't know it, you wouldn't even think it.

Last week, we found out that instead of being the raditation effects like we hoped, it is tumor.  Thankfully he had the biopsy.  Thankfully we know what it is.  Thankfully there have been advancements in medicine to treat this thing.  Thankfully he will start taking chemo.  Orally.  Thankfully we have a God who loves us and is here WITH us through everything. 

A friend of mine and I were talking about several situations close to home to us over the last few weeks.  I can't help but think, "what about the people who don't know Jesus?  Those who don't have His saving grace and those who don't know the Hope He so freely gives us?"

I grew up in Christian home.  I trusted the Lord when I was younger.  I thought I had faith.  The faith I thought was so strong has grown stronger and stronger over the past few years.  God is faithful.  God is amazing.  Jesus healed thousands of years ago; Jesus heals today!

No matter what you're facing in life, no matter what worries you have whether they be physical, emotional, financial, relational - no matter what they are, Jesus knows.  If He knows every desire of my heart wouldn't it also be that He knows every fear and every worry? 

Trust in the Lord, your God, with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He'll make your paths striaght.  Proverbs 3:5-6

I firmly feel that when we have an obstacle in our life - whatever it be - we can chose to fear or we can chose to hope.  We can be fearful of our future and worried about what might be or we can be hopeful and trust in God's love and grace and look forward with sweet anticipation.  I choose hope.  I hope you do, too.

I want to ask you to please pray with us and for us:
1.  Pray that the Temodar works the way it's supposed to and works fast.  Pray that it reaches all of the bad cells and totally eradicates them.  Forever.
2.  Pray that when PC has his first MRI during treatment that it will be positive and will show the tumor disappearing or disappeared!
3.  Pray that PC will not have any negative effects from the medicine and that he won't be nauseous and fatigued.

Thank you for your prayers!


  1. Praying for PC and you, Anna. God's healing for PC and strength for you! XOXO

  2. Found your blog from Kellys Korner. Praying for your boyfriend. I also enjoy reading your blog. You are very real and I like that! Hope you don't mind me following!

  3. I found your blog from Kelly's Korner too. I'm praying for you, this must be such a hard time for you!
